I have been wanting a vanity for a really long time and I found one at this really great thrift store last week! It was only $95 and I plan on reuposlering the stool and changing out the handles later on.

Now all I need is a small chandelier to hang overhead for some good light.
My friend, Christopher Love, was in NYC for a week and bought me this really rad gold and rhinestone spider!

I love it!
Today, I went shopping with Jordyne. We bought make-up and I got this really rad black shirt that is sewn in a unique way.

I really like it because it's really thin and comfortable and loose. And black.

I acid washed some old black jeans the other day. They didn't come out quite as I wanted them to, but they look rad none the less!
Oh ya, last week I received my issue of REVUE, the German magazine that I was asked to be a part of last year. Mitchell took the pictures for me.

It was a nice surprise to get it! I didn't think I was ever going to receive it! Sorry I don't have a scanner to scan the pages :[
I really need to buy and external hard drive. I am torn between these two:

250 GB
OR (my personal fave)

I don't know which one to choose! They are both reasonably priced (approx. $160), so that's not an issue. I really want the gold one (duh!) but I'm not to enthusiastic about the power adapter...any thoughts or suggestions?
Well, until my next update,