Yesterday, an old lady told me yellow wasn't her color, and "obviously it wasn't mine either because of my complexion." I just told her I never wore color, just black. "Oh no, dear!!!"
I got this really rad leather vest at Savers yesterday. It's handmade and has these awesome batwing shoulders I adore. Next: ordering studs.
My girlfriend is leaving to NYC this week for a month to search for our home in Brooklyn. I'm super stoked about leaving Texas and moving into a new place, meeting new people and weeding out all the crap I own.
I turned 22 last week, Halloween was before that (we were KISS but, sadly, we didn't get a group picture), I'm going to see King Kahn tonight and on Friday the 13th is my first solo exhibit in McAllen.
Tomorrow? Johnny Slash is constructing the window display for No Comply. I've always wanted to try creating a window display, hopefully everything goes through.
I also finished the Sad Eyes music video for Tummy Toast. We'll probably have a release party in the next couple of weeks. I really love the way it turned out....
No updates because of my hectic life. Got a job at Savers. Solo exhibit in McAllen on November 13th. My hair is a disgrace. I turn 22 in two weeks. Selling my belongings. Moving to New York City at the end of December.
Last Friday, Jessica and I traveled down to the Valley to show the installation we've been working on all throughout September. We had been talking about doing something with Fantasia cigarettes for a while and after spending a few days continuously watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Suspiria, we came up with a plan.
We shot the video within three hours. It took me about two weeks to cut it only because I didn't really know how I wanted to transition between colors. I kept experimenting with cropping and some sort of video collage, but then we sat around a few days before the show
and came up with a wonderful edit.
I'm really really happy with the way this turned out, the way it looked at the art walk and how much effort and time was put into it. I feel like it's the first video I've made that can be considered "professional."
Anyhoo, the installation is called Prisms of Fame. It is supposed to be viewed on four television screens that are positioned like the four "screens" in the video below. It was a challenge to get all the DVDs to start at the same time, but we somehow managed to do it. I'm really glad I found my muse and that she is willing to do anything to make our reality come alive.
The video I recorded of us setting up the installation will be up sometime this week...I promise. Hopefully we'll have the chance to show the installation in Austin for a while, so stay tuned!
I am finally wearing the fringe skirt I bought in LA. I've darkened my eyes as well. I wish I could wear my night clothes during the day. Not that I can't... but I prefer the night.
My hair is getting out of control. It's at that mid-point where I don't want to cut it anymore, yet what is there to do with it? I never liked having boring, normal hair; so I messed it up a bit.
Being practically unemployed, my free time/me time has skyrocketed. However, I have a few things keeping me busy. Fastastic Fest is coming up/ working on a video installation for October Art Walk in the Valley/ casting for extra rolls in commercials & films/ yoga & lots of avocado and oatmeal face masks/ redecorating my living space/ getting rid of excess/ preparing for my next run from reality/ revamping my wardrobe for fall/ listening to this and this.
"Your ideas will be as unsound as your character. You will be tormented, melancholy, menaced, overwhelmed by an inexplicable dark feeling that something awful is going to happen. You will be disturbed, upset, troubled and tormented."
"The Tree of Life is reminiscent of Platonic idealism, in which the world of sensory phenomena is held to be a secondary or degenerate form of a spiritual reality made up of pure ideas existing behind the appearance of the material world."
I don't know why but Complex mag saw something in me one day in NYC and took my picture. I look stupid and why are some of my words linked to Kohl's ads?
Turns out, I didn't. My New York trip was complete chaotic bliss. I have never felt more at home in a city like that one. I guess I never fell out of love with it, so time can only tell where I'll end up... but I'm doubting it's California anymore....