Monday, July 14, 2008

Back in the USA: Scott Cooper

Hello lovely people! I have safely returned from the Czech Republic! It was a horribly long plane ride, but when I got home my parents had balloons and flowers and Modelo Negra waiting for me! They also munched me out with Taco Palenque :D

I made my last documentary on Plastique, a monthly party in Prague hosted by TVYKS and Vectif--resident DJs at Radost FX. I had so much fun doing this documentary that I am planning on doing a series of parties around the world. Here it is:

It's such shitty quality because of the compression! I will get a better version and post it up on Vimeo once I get the time to convert and compress the video again. It has beautifully saturated colors and great stop animation with Barbie and Ken dolls that I bought at Tesco and decorated in my friend Kelly's dorm room. Araceli took the pictures for the stop animation, it was a wonderful group effort and every one who helped me with my project was very enthusiastic and I am glad they were able to experience the music!

Here are some pictures from Plastique, courtesy of Araceli Jaime:




Anyhoo, since I've been back I have reunited with my bestest budz and have had a busy and fun weekend! Cul n Sweet brought down Scott Cooper all the way from the UK for a show on Friday:

The Skeleton, Mario Barrio, Spin Laden

The Skeleton, Mario Barrio

Mario Barrio (the love of my life if you didn't already know)

Spin Laden, Scott Cooper, DEEJAY YAYYAY chillin

Spin Laden

Scott Cooper

I had sooo much fun dancing at the show. Via Bip Bop was there to take pictures, which will soon be posted on their site ( VIABIPBOP ) so keep yr eyes peeled!

You can read more about Cul n Sweet and download exclusive tracks at their blog: VIABIPBOP

Saturday was a big trip:




Crazy house party with a niiiice DJ set up which C. Love jammed on once the DJs went inside.

Tachi also attended his first party!

And he likes to wear this wiglette!

Teenage Wolf loves Tachi so much!

Also, HYPE HEADZ is having their first ever show at Beauty Bar this Thursday! I expect everyone to go and jam to DEEJAY YAYYAY, TUMMY TOAST, MAX FERRARI, n hopefully I will put some visuals together to project! It's going to be a crazy fun party, so please go!!!

I need to get back to working on the Glam Jam video, it is NOWHERE near finished. We are hoping for the release to be late August. Once this video is done, be expecting TUMMY TOAST to be EVERYWHERE. You can catch her DJ set every Thursday in August at Wish (a very nice clothing boutique on Guadalupe) and her performance for Totally Wreck's public access TV show should be out in fall as well!

In fashion related news, I have decided to give up on my platinum hair. I have been blonde for a whole year now and I loved it sooooo much! However, my trip to Prague kept me from a good dye job for four months! There is noooo way I am able to afford it, so I have decided to first just have fun and dye my hair lots of crazy colors. Then, I will dye it a really deep black to the point where there is a violet tint, and I have decided to cut it like this:

So that's my plan!

I also need to clean out my closet and get rid of a lot of old clothes that I never wear. Maybe I will do some sort of online store thing to sell some stuff, but I am not sure. All I know is that the bar in my closet is bending in the middle and there are 2 dressers and 2 trash bags full of clothes I have forgotten about...

Until next time!
Jessica of ViaBipBop n me


Anonymous said...

Shiny Kid is back in the U.S. of A.!
Austin is that much more pimp now. Looking forward to future hair and Booty Bar visuals.

Droplette said...

luv that chain in the last picture ;]

that hair cut is real nice too!

roxanne said...

add away! i'll do the same.. the czech republic looks ballin'. loving the barbie dolls.

Katkatkat said...

hey caitlin! my name is kat & we've met a few times and such...well I really enjoy reading your blogs and this last one reminded me that on the 1st of August I will be hosting a swap meet in San Antonio. It is going to be free to the public and there will be free food/drink and live music, etc. But this is where you can trade some of the stuff/clothes that have been piling up!!! Well get back to me if you're interested.

Shiny Kid said...

I remember ya! I would love to take my clothes over there, but I am moving into my new apt. on the 1st and seeing as how the event is in SA, I don't think I can make it! :[ Hope it goes well :]